what is matcha?

what is matcha?

matcha is an unique type of green tea milled into a fine powder

but did you know that it originates from the camellia sinensis plant? in fact all ‘authentic’ teas are derived from this same plant! 

however unlike other types of tea, matcha is made of specific cultivars like ‘okumidori’, ‘yabukita’, ‘tencha’ and ‘samidori’ to name a few, that undergo a detailed process of:

  • shading for weeks prior to harvest;
  • harvesting the newest and youngest leaves;
  • steaming; 
  • drying; and 
  • grinding into a fine powder.

matcha cultivation requires specific knowledge and expertise, as each cultivar has unique characteristics that will affect the quality, taste and texture of the matcha

for example, ‘okumidori’ (奥緑), which means “deep green”, results in a vibrant green colour and offers a sweeter taste with minimal astringency. in japan, it is a popular choice to use during tea ceremony to welcome guests.

the meticulous cultivation and production processes all contribute to the health and consumption benefits of matcha

🍃 at aocha, we are dedicated to crafting a creative and modern matcha experience that still pays homage to its rich culture and history 🍵

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